"Just like when building a new house, until you have the blueprints, you really do not know exactly what your fish growing or
aquaponics system will look like, how it will be laid out, or how much it is going to cost"
As a fish farm and aquaponics design engineer for over 40 years, I understand better than almost anyone how expensive it is to
design a new fish farm or aquaponics system from scratch. I also know that when you have a system designed that you are
running many risks. One is that you might be getting little more than a prototype that has never been fully tested before. In effect,
you become the research and developer for the designer. Another is, in order to get a bank loan or other funding you need to
show the financial people what they are investing in and even after you have spent so much time and money getting your design,
there is still no guarantee they will fund you. Now you have an expensive set of drawings and no money.
At Global Aquatics we have worked over the years to lower this initial design and consulting expense to almost nothing. Our
systems are all proven pre-engineered designs that have many built in features that allow for layout modifications to meet your
particular needs. This allows you to make a one time purchase of the complete design package, which also comes with a
construction manual, business model and free consulting help. Once you have this package, any modifications you need will be
added at no additional cost.
This is a massive design package containing over 24 full size blue prints sheets showing every part of both the S-2005 systems
as well as the S-09 series and many different aquaponics layouts with the construction details.
The layouts show how to build and start out with a simple "Build it yourself system" that can later be upgraded to the best top of
the line system with all of the bells and whistles.
The free consulting help means just that, "Free". Once you become a client of Global Aquatics by making this one time purchase
we are never going to charge you for helping you get your system built and operating. Bankers and lenders want to know that
you are going to have professional help to ensure success. That is what we do.
Among the contents of this design package:
aquaponics system will look like, how it will be laid out, or how much it is going to cost"
As a fish farm and aquaponics design engineer for over 40 years, I understand better than almost anyone how expensive it is to
design a new fish farm or aquaponics system from scratch. I also know that when you have a system designed that you are
running many risks. One is that you might be getting little more than a prototype that has never been fully tested before. In effect,
you become the research and developer for the designer. Another is, in order to get a bank loan or other funding you need to
show the financial people what they are investing in and even after you have spent so much time and money getting your design,
there is still no guarantee they will fund you. Now you have an expensive set of drawings and no money.
At Global Aquatics we have worked over the years to lower this initial design and consulting expense to almost nothing. Our
systems are all proven pre-engineered designs that have many built in features that allow for layout modifications to meet your
particular needs. This allows you to make a one time purchase of the complete design package, which also comes with a
construction manual, business model and free consulting help. Once you have this package, any modifications you need will be
added at no additional cost.
This is a massive design package containing over 24 full size blue prints sheets showing every part of both the S-2005 systems
as well as the S-09 series and many different aquaponics layouts with the construction details.
The layouts show how to build and start out with a simple "Build it yourself system" that can later be upgraded to the best top of
the line system with all of the bells and whistles.
The free consulting help means just that, "Free". Once you become a client of Global Aquatics by making this one time purchase
we are never going to charge you for helping you get your system built and operating. Bankers and lenders want to know that
you are going to have professional help to ensure success. That is what we do.
Among the contents of this design package:
Many different pre-designed
layouts from small 1 tank fish tanks
and aquaponics to large fish
growing systems and aquaponics.
If you need help in the layout of
your specific building or property
this is covered under the free
layouts from small 1 tank fish tanks
and aquaponics to large fish
growing systems and aquaponics.
If you need help in the layout of
your specific building or property
this is covered under the free
All parts and components layouts and
hook ups in high detail.
hook ups in high detail.
Detailed construction manual
This is a step by step manual
showing the complete order of
procedure for getting your system
This is a step by step manual
showing the complete order of
procedure for getting your system
This extensive business model will give you all of the
spreadsheets and other information you can use to
construct a great business plan you will need for
securing funding.
This model contains the details for many different fish
and system sizes as well as aquaponics pro formas.
You just plug these numbers into your business plan.
This extensive business model will give you all of the
spreadsheets and other information you can use to
construct a great business plan you will need for
securing funding.
This model contains the details for many different fish
and system sizes as well as aquaponics pro formas.
You just plug these numbers into your business plan.
For more information please send us an e-mail.
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